Friday, July 10, 2015

Christians Hate The Environment

"One Conservative Evangelical publication, World magazine, hypes the "We Get It" campaign, which seeks to discredit the threat of global warming. It also claims the threat of climate change is "alarmism" and fears that efforts to clamp down on emissions will hurt the poor (read: corporations). In reality, climate change will have its greatest effect on people living on less than a dollar a day who can notadapt to higher temperatures. Conservative Evangelicals are not concerned with dwindling biodiversity, the destruction of ecosystem, rampant pollution, global warming and the numerous other environmental challenges we face. Rather they, with the business community, are concerned with the bottom line. The future is irrelevant (unless we're talking about government debt). Thus, the Biblical command to protect the environment is widely eschewed." ***

With articles such as this, who would disagree with my title? In part, I don't. My views on environmental issues have changed drastically over the last few years (It's amazing what happens when you do a little research). In my opinion, there are a lot of social/environmental issues that tend to be over-politicized, by that's my inner cynic coming out. There are, however, great organizations & programs that do great work to better our civilization. My problem lies with those who, as I said before, over-politicize there causes. I understand that politics have there place & play there part in these arenas, but to what extent?

So what do we do when similar (or polar opposite) ideals get juxtaposed?

Obviously, different people will see things, well, differently. There are so many factors that come in to play when we all come to the table to try and solve the issues of our day. While I could go on about how we should discourse, I want to this post to serve the purpose of proving or disproving the statement made in the title. So, Christians, "listen," up.

If you care nothing about the environment, social issues, or your fellow man, then I have one question for you: Are you REALLY a Christian? I would tend to argue, probably not. Am I saying to give up driving, go vegan, and live in mud hut? No...well...maybe! At this point you have tuned-out because you're mad that I said you're not a Christian. I didn't say that, so read it again.

As Christians, we have the great hope in the return of Jesus! However, wishing He would return when things don't go our way is completely MISSING THE POINT!!! Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that homosexual marriage is legal in all 50 states. By now, you know that social media, metaphorically, blew up! "Jesus come soon," was a common comment from 'Christians.'
No! The implication, or at least my inference, read, "Jesus, this is getting rough & the world's not listening to us. Come back so I don't have to do any more work."

What happened to, "...take heart, I have overcome the world?" Why are we so eager to leave the mess for everyone who isn't a Christian? Why do we not take into consideration the heart of God when Peter tells us God the Father is, "patient," and wishes that, "all should reach repentance." While we don't have a timeline of when Jesus will return, I do know there is a profusion of work to be done.

It's not time to sit on the sidelines, not caring about what is going on around you. Hot or cold, sheep or goat. Which are you?
